Do you need an Electronic Travel Authorization? UPDATED


In March 2016, Canada introduced the eTA requirement for certain visa-exempt foreign nationals travelling to Canada. A six-month leniency period was put in place so that travelers who are unfamiliar with eTA could still board their flight to Canada without travel disruptions. The leniency period was set to end on September 29, however, was extended […]

Immigration Minister brings “sunny days”


Immigration Minister brings “sunny days” to Vancouver. The keynote speaker at this years’ CBA National Immigration Law Conference, held last weekend in Vancouver, was Immigration Minister John McCallum. Unlike in previous years, the Minister drew several rounds of applause from the 500+ crowd as he spoke of upcoming changes to immigration laws and policies. One […]

Liberal Government promises sweeping changes


In recent weeks, the Liberal government has made commitments to repeal two controversial pieces of legislation that were enacted under the Harper Government. The first is to repeal conditional permanent residency. Currently, many spouses who are sponsored to come to Canada must remain with their spouses for a 2-year period before their status becomes permanent. […]

Canadian Courts expand Best Interest of the Child analysis


In the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision Kanthasamy v. Canada (Citizenship & Immigration) 2015 SCC 61, the Court expanded the law of hardship and re-emphasized the significance of the best interests of the child in a humanitarian and compassionate analysis. Following that decision, the Federal Court decision of Lu v. Canada (Citizenship & Immigration) 2016 FC 175 also […]